Wednesday, January 23, 2013

workaround for fd leaking programs

A hack to close the existing fd if the caller has already opened a file with the same name.  Use with caution.

Compile and LD_PRELOAD this.

PS: is awesome.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include "uthash.h"

 * Copyright (c) 2013 Brad Forschinger
 * All rights reserved.

/* last entry must be NULL */
static char *target_files[] = { "/var/krb5/rcache/HTTP_8080", NULL };

struct fd_info_s {
    int fd;
    char path[FILENAME_MAX];
    UT_hash_handle hh;

struct fd_info_s *fd_to_path = NULL, *path_to_fd = NULL;

/* see if we've already got an fd for the path.  if so, close it first. */
int open(const char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode)
    static int (*real_open) (const char *, int, mode_t);
    struct fd_info_s *fd_info = NULL;
    char **target_file;

    if (real_open == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "open: init\n");
        real_open = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "open");
        if (real_open == NULL) {
            return -1;

    /* look for a match */
    target_file = &target_files[0];
    while (*target_file != NULL) {

        /* match? */
        if (strcmp(*target_file, path) == 0) {
            int fd;

            HASH_FIND_STR(path_to_fd, path, fd_info);   /* have we opened this already? */
            if (fd_info) {

                fd = fd_info->fd;
                fd_info = NULL;
                fprintf(stderr, "open: closing %d before opening %s\n", fd, *target_file);
                close(fd);      /* our hooked close, we'll remove the hash entries there */

            fd = real_open(path, oflag, mode);
            if (fd != -1) {
                /* create fd => path */
                fd_info = malloc(sizeof(struct fd_info_s));
                fd_info->fd = fd;
                strcpy(fd_info->path, path);
                HASH_ADD_INT(fd_to_path, fd, fd_info);

                /* create path => fd */
                fd_info = malloc(sizeof(struct fd_info_s));
                fd_info->fd = fd;
                strcpy(fd_info->path, path);
                HASH_ADD_STR(path_to_fd, path, fd_info);
            return fd;

        /* next. */

    return real_open(path, oflag, mode);

/* stop tracking the fd */
int close(int filedes)
    static int (*real_close) (int);
    struct fd_info_s *fd_info = NULL;
    char path[FILENAME_MAX];

    if (real_close == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "close: init\n");
        real_close = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "close");
        if (real_close == NULL) {
            return -1;

    HASH_FIND_INT(fd_to_path, &filedes, fd_info);
    if (fd_info) {
        /* del fd => path */
        strcpy(path, fd_info->path);
        HASH_DEL(fd_to_path, fd_info);

        /* del path => fd */
        HASH_FIND_STR(path_to_fd, path, fd_info);
        HASH_DEL(path_to_fd, fd_info);

        fprintf(stderr, "close: was tracking %d (%s)\n", filedes, path);

    return real_close(filedes);

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