Monday, May 31, 2010

ascii85 encoder in perl (take 2)

This time with line wrapping. Output matches that of encode85.c

Also, I used slurp mode in the previous one. That obviously chews a lot of memory for large files. I changed to just reading 4 byte chunks.

my ($in, $pos, $width) = (undef, 2, 72);
print "<~";
while (read(STDIN, $in, 4) > 0) {
my (@a, @buf, $x, $i);

@a = unpack("C4", $in);

$x = $a[0] << 24 | $a[1] << 16 | $a[2] << 8 | $a[3];
if (scalar(@a) == 4 && $x == 0) {
$buf[0] = "z"; # '!!!!' -> 'z'
} else {
for $i (1 .. 5) {
unshift @buf, chr(($x % 85) + 33);
$x /= 85;
splice @buf, scalar(@a) + 1; # trim @buf
if (scalar(@buf) + $pos > $width) { # should we wrap?
$pos = ($pos + scalar(@buf)) % ($width + 1);
splice @buf, scalar(@buf) - $pos, 0, "\n"; # put a newline in
} else {
$pos = $pos + scalar(@buf);
print @buf;
print $pos <= $width - 2 ? "~>\n" : "\n~>\n";

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